
IPA: ˈigoʊɪzʌm


  • The tendency to think selfishly with exclusive self-interest in mind.
  • (ethics) The belief that moral behavior should be directed toward one's self-interest only.
  • (nonstandard, by confusion of the similar words) Egotism (tendency to talk excessively about oneself).

Examples of "egoism" in Sentences

  • The view is a normative form of egoism.
  • Egoism is the morality of trolls and children.
  • In communism, the flaw is man's in baked egoism.
  • See the criticism section of psychological egoism for more.
  • His embrace of egoism is in stark contrast to Godwin's altruism.
  • Egoism is a corollary of setting man's life as the moral standard.
  • People tend to cheat more if their egoism is very high or very low.
  • Bender represents values of the old order, egoism and individualism.
  • As such, the term is etymologically related very closely with egoism.
  • Malay nationalism is dead and materialism and egoism are running amok.
  • It involves ideas of destiny and free will, as well as of psychological egoism.
  • Any society which explains itself in terms of mutual egoism is heading for certain destruction.
  • But Gaspare had effectually changed her mood, had driven away what she chose to call her egoism, had concentrated all her thoughts on Vere.
  • The triumph of Nietzschean philosophical egoism is why people more and more start sentences saying "I feel that ...." instead of "I think that ..."
  • Ethical egoism is not assumed by Rawls, even if self-interest and reciprocity play important conceptual roles in getting Rawls’s liberal project off the ground.
  • They have torn the soul of Christ into silly strips, labelled egoism and altruism, and they are equally puzzled by His insane magnificence and His insane meekness.
  • I have been judged to be a pessimist but what abyss of ignorance and low egoism is not hidden in one who thinks that Man is the god of himself and that his future can only be triumphant?
  • To explain what he meant by 'moral Communism' Matsuoko cited his own family, but said the Japanese concept of moral Communism had been overwhelmed by liberalism, individualism and egoism from the West.
  • We are not speaking here of mere egoism, which is a species of acknowledgment of weakness that very young children are incapable of making to themselves, but which those who are older will try to avoid.
  • When, at length, after much heartburning and conscientious scrupling, he was mastered by a healthier spirit of self-assertion, which made him rebel against the uselessness of the conflict, and doggedly resolve to put an end to it, he was only enabled to stand firm by summoning to his aid all the strengthening egoism, which is latent in every more or less artistic nature.

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