
IPA: ɪɫæbɝˈeɪʃʌn


  • The act or process of producing or refining with labor; improvement by successive operations; refinement.
  • The natural process of formation or assimilation, performed by the living organs in animals and vegetables, by which a crude substance is changed into something of a higher order
  • (computing) Setting up a hierarchy of calculated constants in a language such as Ada so that the values of one or more of them determine others further down in the hierarchy.
  • (electronics) The process of taking a parsed tree of an abstract integrated circuit definition in a language such as Verilog and creating a hierarchy of module instances that ends with primitive (atomic) gates and statements.
  • (psychology) The level of processing of a message or argument.

Examples of "elaboration" in Sentences

  • The elaboration is in the article.
  • The rest is simply elaboration on the theme.
  • The article needs more elaboration on the details.
  • There is no elaboration of the history in the lead.
  • All your elaboration is post facto rationalization.
  • Elaboration of details can be left to the body of the article.
  • The aim of that article is to detail the man himself, in elaboration.
  • Further elaboration is needless and comments are unnecessary, we know.
  • Some elaboration is worth it, to unveil the full lunacy of the phrase.
  • As a person who spent some years in the Mormon church I think the elaboration is important.
  • Chant and its polyphonic elaboration is most fitting to the holy action at the altar, and makes the liturgical project true to itself.
  • But to just say “public WiFi networks” without further elaboration is misleading – unless there really are publicly operated WiFi networks that you can access freely just walking down the street without any registration or other special preparation.
  • According to the label of La Motisanne, an artisan absinthe made by Roger Etienne (which by the way has the lot number written on the label by hand), This home made elaboration is an authentic Absinth from the original region of this drink, the Val-de-Travers.
  • LIMBAUGH: The -- there's a complicated answer to this and I'm going to have answer some of it in the monologue in the next hour, but one of the simple answers that will require some elaboration is that a lot of money is coming from these kooks -- and I'm not talking about just the blacks -- I'm talking about a whole kook-fringe base because George Soros is running it --

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