IPA: ˈɛɫboʊ
- (anatomy) The joint between the upper arm and the forearm.
- (by extension) Any turn or bend like that of the elbow, in a wall, building, coastline, etc.; an angular or jointed part of any structure, such as the raised arm of a chair or sofa, or a short pipe fitting, turning at an angle or bent.
- (US, dated, early 20th-century slang) A detective.
- (basketball) Part of a basketball court located at the intersection of the free-throw line and the free-throw lane.
- A hit with the elbow.
- (knots) Two nearby crossings of a rope.
- To push with the elbow or elbows; to forge ahead using the elbows to assist.
- To strike with the elbow.
- To nudge, jostle or push.
- (with "out" or "aside") To make someone quit or lose their job so that someone else can get it.
Examples of "elbow" in Sentences
- The lower arm beneath the elbow is also symmetric.
- "The back of my elbow is a little tender," Byrd said.
- A fractured elbow is nasty, but it could have been worse.
- All of these have their own distinct requirements as far as to where my elbow is pointed.
- Clasped along the inside of my elbow is a white elastic fishnet sleeve that holds the apparatus tight against my skin.
- I have never met that celebrity; nor (if the rest of him at all comes up to what they called his elbow) have I the least desire of his acquaintance.
- The cast on her elbow is finally off, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wasted no time Thursday swinging back at media reports that she is being sidelined by the White House in shaping U.S. foreign policy.