IPA: ɪɫˈɛktɝ
- (politics) A person eligible to vote in an election; a member of an electorate, a voter.
- (Britain, Commonwealth) A person eligible to vote to elect a Member of Parliament.
- A member of an electoral college; specifically (US) an official selected by a state as a member of the Electoral College to elect the president and vice president of the United States.
- (historical) A German prince entitled to elect the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire; a prince-elector.
- (historical) Alternative letter-case form of Elector (“a German prince entitled to elect the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire”). [(historical) A German prince entitled to elect the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire; a prince-elector.]
Examples of "elector" in Sentences
- After the word elector, except as hereinafter provided, viz:
- A motion was made to amend an amendment by changing the word elector (voter) to resident.
- There has been no General Election, the elector is conscious of being unable to influence his M.P.,
- UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, if I receive a request that is signed by the elector, that is a request from the elector.
- The elector is instructed to vote by placing the figure "1" opposite the name of the candidate he likes best, the figure "2" against the name of his second choice, and the figure "3" against his third choice.
- It is a well-established and incontrovertible principle of law that any elector is eligible to the office for which said elector votes, unless there be a _specific enactment discriminating against the elector_.
- Nebraska and Maine split their electoral votes by congressional district, using “a tiered system where a single elector is chosen within each Congressional district and two electors are chosen by statewide popular vote.”
- There was a sense of sophistication, if you will, in the way in which the various knobs on this election machine were being adjusted by the electorate, but to predicate that the American elector is a 99.44% political animal would simply be to ignore the facts.
- We do not accept that the elector should be a mere spectator to the actions of the parliamentarian, even when these actions are right: we want the electors to give their opinion, to discuss the issues, to put counter-arguments, we want them to share the responsibility for what their parliamentarian does.