IPA: ɪɫˈɛktrʌ
Root Word: Electra
- (Greek mythology) Any of several mythical women, including a daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra, one of the Pleiades, and one of the daughters of Oceanus and Tethys.
- (astronomy) One of the stars in the Pleiades star cluster.
- (rare) A female given name from Ancient Greek.
Examples of "electra" in Sentences
- Anybody else smell an electra complex on those statements by Frost?
- I laughed when I saw an electra cruiser at a bike store here in Maastricht NL.
- Note: Melon-headed whales are also known as Peponocephala electra or electra dolphin.
- They were later identified as Peponocephala electra or electra dolphins, [Melon-headed whales].
- Similar reactions: Carmen electra running through the sprinklers in scary movie, Megan fox bending over in transformers and so on.
- A very old Freudian possibility may cover this well: a deep seated electra complex wherein god's favor and purpose are substituted for the absent father-love.
- Even reasonable people like Donahue and Maher, who jumped on the Nader electra glide in 00 and sent us sliding headlong down the trash chute into this 8 year long bum trip, wised up in 04.
- (All photos credits to Harinjaka) (Note: * Melon-headed whales are also known as Peponocephala electra or electra dolphin. ** accounts from other witnesses are also integrated in the interview)
- Whales include migratory humpback Megaptera novaeangliae (VU) and occasional blue Balaenoptera musculus (EN), rorqual Balaenoptera physalis, sperm Physeter macrocephalus (VU), Bryde's Baleanoptera edeni, killer Orcinus orca, false killer Pseudorca crassidens, pygmy killer Feresa attenuata, Cuvier's beaked Ziphius cavirostris, beaked Mesoplodon sp., shortfin pilot Globicephala macrorhynchus and melon-headed Peponocephala electra whales.