IPA: ɪɫɛktroʊmægnˈɛtɪk
- Relating to electromagnetism
Examples of "electromagnetic" in Sentences
- Patterns in electromagnetic radiation another context.
- This decoupling of CEMF allows time variant magnetic interactions in electromagnetic systems.
- The neceissity of the Lorentz transformation is highly important to reconciling paradoxes in electromagnetic theory.
- Electrons are bound to the nuclies by what they call a electromagnetic force, likewise, a group of atoms can remain bound to each other forming a molecule.
- So thus was born the Lorentz Aether-based transformation that allowed us to find and invariance between coordinate frames and solve a paradox in electromagnetic theory.
- SETI currently searches for non-human intelligence based on bandwidth but there are rumblings among SETI enthusiasts of a need to diversity the search and look for other fingerprints in electromagnetic waves detectable on earth.
- The term electromagnetic pulse (sometimes abbreviated EMP) has the following meanings: A burst of electromagnetic radiation that results from an explosion (especially a nuclear explosion) or a suddenly fluctuating magnetic field.
- When Persinger applied magnetic fields over the temporal lobe to mimic the reaction he found in electromagnetic studies, the gender difference was “quite impressive” — that women sensed the presence of a “sentient being” in greater numbers than men.
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