IPA: ɪɫɛktroʊmʌkˈænɪkʌɫ
- An electromechanical component or device
- Related to both electricity (or electronics) and mechanics.
Examples of "electromechanical" in Sentences
- The sporty chassis comes with new solutions, such as electromechanical power steering.
- Swapatorium bought this cool-looking old metal bulldog statuette and discovered that it contains some kind of electromechanical component.
- This makes the new Compact EHA ideal for use as an alternative to conventional linear movement technologies such as electromechanical and pneumatic drives.
- Parker's electro-hydraulic actuator technology has been developed to provide an alternative to the use of conventional linear-motion technologies, such as electromechanical and pneumatic drives, in applications where high power is required from actuators with a small envelope, or where no mains power supply is readily available.