IPA: ˈɛɫɪtɪzʌm
- The belief that a society or system should be run by an elite.
- The superior attitude or behaviour associated with an elite.
Examples of "elitism" in Sentences
- The weakest link in elitism is how we could decide who is elite.
- If liberal elitism is code for educated and intellectually curious then I will take that label all day long.
- With my recent piece in Cato Unbound, several people have questioned whether my elitism is consistent with libertarianism.
- Your ignorance and elitism is on full display if you think I'm summarily dismissing science as a whole by questioning AGW/CC.
- The word "elitism" has become increasingly muddied in recent years because of its association with the class system, claimed Tony Little.
- The appearance of elitism comes from a sense that the president's team "just doesn't get it," that they are insensitive to the plight of ordinary Americans.