IPA: ˈɛɫkhaʊnd
- Norwegian Elkhound, a breed of dog from Norway for hunting elk (US: moose).
- Any Scandinavian breed of dog bred to hunt elk (US: moose).
Examples of "elkhound" in Sentences
- Most important was that she escaped with her Norwegian elkhound, Haaken.
- Neither Nola nor the lady with the pet elkhound belong to the Parent Teachers 'Association.
- Norwegian elkhound: The owner/handler/breeder of this entry, Eric, is always a bridesmaid at Westminster.
- i have a keeshond, an american eskimo, and a norwegian elkhound. moose dog. that is right.yappy. big baby.
- If a beagle is crossed with an elkhound and then their offspring are crossed, some of those dogs will suffer from retinal degeneration and some won't.
- Barron, a stag red miniature pincher, was an early favorite pitted against prettier pooches, Rascal, part Norwegian elkhound, and Buddy, an Australian shepherd.
- Best in Hound Group finalists: It looks like we have the beagle, the long-haired dachshund and wire-haired, the Norwegian elkhound, the Rhodesian ridgeback, and the whippet...