
IPA: ɪɫˈɪps


  • (geometry) A closed curve, the locus of a point such that the sum of the distances from that point to two other fixed points (called the foci of the ellipse) is constant; equivalently, the conic section that is the intersection of a cone with a plane that does not intersect the base of the cone.
  • A park in Washington, District of Columbia, United States
  • Synonym of President's Park South, a 52 acre city park, south of the South Lawn of the White House, between the White House estate and the Washington Monument grounds of the National Mall.
  • An elliptical oval grassy field in President's Park South


  • (grammar) To remove from a phrase a word which is grammatically needed, but which is clearly understood without having to be stated.

Examples of "ellipse" in Sentences

  • I agree the ellipses look ungainly.
  • The circle is a special case of the ellipse.
  • The park is an ellipse bounded by the Elliptical Road.
  • The ellipse is a curve which can be readily constructed.
  • The angle between the normal to the ellipse and the X axis
  • Clearly the area of the ellipse increases by the same factor.
  • The trammel is a mechanical device for circumscribing ellipses.
  • No sign of ellipse, no sign of aphelion, no sign of perihelion.
  • The ceramic stack is aligned with the great axis of the ellipse.
  • The inertia circle is the eccentricity in the ellipse shaped orbit.
  • In the middle of the ellipse, which is 895x741 feet, stands the obelisk,
  • Newton was REALLY SMART it is NOT obvious that the ellipse is the solution to the differential equations
  • If the foci are identical with each other, the ellipse is a circle; if the two foci are distinct from each other, the ellipse looks like a squashed or elongated circle.
  • In the first place, we observe that the ellipse is a plane curve; that is to say, each planet must, in the course of its long journey, confine its movements to one plane.
  • If, on the contrary, it is displaced, it will in the year describe a minute ellipse, which is only the reflection, the perspective in miniature, of the revolution of our planet round the Sun.
  • Thus, if we correct the observed motion of the planets for these two influences, and if Newton’s theory be strictly correct, we ought to obtain for the orbit of the planet an ellipse, which is fixed with reference to the fixed stars.
  • By measuring the position angle of the companion star relative to the primary and the angler distance between the two stars over time, the ellipse, called the apparent ellipse, which is the orbit of the secondary in respect to the primary, can be plotted out.
  • These foci are equidistant from the centre of the ellipse, which is formed as follows: Two pins are driven in on the major axis to represent the foci A and B, Figure 75, and around these pins a loop of fine twine is passed; a pencil point, C, is then placed in the loop and pulled outwards, to take up the slack of the twine.
  • Two pins are stuck through a sheet of paper on a board, the point of a pencil is inserted in a loop of string which passes over the pins, and as the pencil is moved round in such a way as to keep the string stretched, that beautiful curve known as the ellipse is delineated, while the positions of the pins indicate the two foci of the curve.

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