IPA: ɪɫˈusʌdeɪtɪv
- Explanatory, clarifying; that serves to elucidate.
Examples of "elucidative" in Sentences
- I now propose to bring together a series of facts specially elucidative of the harrowing theme.
- Well,so I wish when the things become elucidative to me and my will manifest,I will put some good words here.
- I have thus, I believe, stated all the material facts that have any elucidative bearing upon this mysterious occurrence. '
- Dreams ab't Pthah, Neith, etc., apart from their elucidative quality, wh'h is exquisite, have in them a poetry that might fill any
- There is incidentally a quantity of autobiographic record in my notes to this manuscript; but except as subsidiary and elucidative of the text I put no value on such.
- A stray Letter from Mrs. Welsh to my Mother; which, so kindly, good and characteristic is it, I cannot but preserve as elucidative of her and the scene then alive with us all.
- And the bit of Egypt'n mythology, the cunning _Dreams_ ab't Pthah, Neith, etc., apart from their elucidative quality, wh'h is exquisite, have in them a _poetry_ that might fill any
- Record in my Notes to this Manuscript, but except as subsidiary and elucidative of the Text, I put no value on such: express Biography of me, I had really rather that there/[Page xviii]/should be none.
- Overall, the anal triangle proved elucidative, an opportunity to understand a spectrum of clinical objectives that ranged from performing a sigmoidoscopy in a manner minimizing “unnecessary dis-comfort” to determining which nerves cause the involuntary contraction of the rectal muscles during death by asphyxiation, specifically hanging.
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