IPA: eɪmˈɑrdʒʌnʌt
- (transitive) To take away the margin of.
- (intransitive) To lose the margin.
- To marginalize.
- (botany, of leaves) With the outline of the margin more or less concave in places, usually at the apex.
- (botany, mycology) Having roughly the same height or width for most of its length, becoming much shallower or narrower before reaching the attachment point.
- (zoology, anatomy) Having a margin that has concave edges as though with parts removed or notched.
- (mineralogy) Of a crystal: having edges or corners of the primitive form beveled, crossed by a face.
Examples of "emarginate" in Sentences
- Biemarginate: twice emarginate; with two excisions.
- Arcuato-emarginate: with a bow-like or curved excision.
- The _second glume_ is the longest, linear-lanceolate, rigid, tip obtuse or emarginate, slightly convex with
- The second glume is linear-lanceolate, rigid, empty, persistent recurved when old, tip obtuse or emarginate.
- Cordate: heart-shaped; triangular, with the corners of the base rounded: not necessarily emarginate at the middle of base.
- +Gills+ slightly emarginate, almost adnate, somewhat crowded, about 3 inches broad, wholly white when young, at length reddish.
- The _first glume_ is very small, membranous, glabrous, broader than long, cordate or triangular, broadly but shallowly emarginate, nerveless or very obscurely 1 - to
- The _first glume_ is ovate-oblong, thickly coriaceous, smooth at the back with a truncate base and a transverse ridge at the base inside, many-nerved, with very narrow inflexed margins and very narrow wings at the top, the apex is obtuse or emarginate.
- The _first glume_ is cuneately obovate or obcordate, yellowish with red brown tips or dark brown with yellow tips, chartaceous below, membranous, hyaline and ciliate at the truncate, emarginate or retuse apex, 7 - to 9-nerved, the nerves abruptly ceasing towards the apex.
- The _first glume_ is coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate, acute, truncate or emarginate, slightly hairy, or glabrous with a deep pit above the middle (sometimes with two or three pits also) 7 - to 9-nerved with a few long hairs below the middle and with margins infolded and shortly ciliate.
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