IPA: ˈɛmpɝɝ
- The male monarch or ruler of an empire.
- Any monarch ruling an empire, irrespective of gender, with "empress" contrasting to mean the consort of an emperor.
- (political theory) Specifically, the ruler of the Holy Roman Empire; the world-monarch.
- (tarot) The fourth trump or major arcana card of the tarot deck.
- A large, relatively valuable marble in children's games.
- Any fish of the family Lethrinidae.
- (entomology) Any of various butterflies of the subfamily Charaxinae.
- (entomology) Any of various large dragonflies of the cosmopolitan genus Anax.
- An emperor penguin.
- The title of an emperor.
- Alternative form of emperor (emperor penguin). [The male monarch or ruler of an empire.]
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