
IPA: ˈɛmjʌɫʌs


  • Ambitious or competitive.

Examples of "emulous" in Sentences

  • Johnson in terms emulous of the great doctor's orotundity and ronderosity.
  • No; this was the incantation reserved for souls athirst for fame, of virtue emulous.
  • “Rakib” = spying, envious rival; “Ghábit” = one emulous without envy; and “Shámit” = a
  • But by their offence, salvation is come to the Gentiles, that they may be emulous of them . . .
  • “Do you speak thus of a charge which the most noble of your countrymen feel themselves emulous to be admitted to?”
  • “Summon him to our presence,” said the Lord Abbot; and with an obedient start the two attendant monks went off with emulous alertness.
  • My belief is that as soon as he hears your challenge, he will embrace the contest; pricked on by emulous pride, he will insist upon getting the better of you in kindness of word and deed.
  • Only gratify their bellies in the matter of appetite, and you will succeed in winning much from them. 297 But ambitious, emulous natures feel the spur of praise,298 since some natures hunger after praise no less than others crave for meats and drinks.
  • She never named Delvile, she begged Mrs Charlton never to mention him; she called to her aid the account she had received from Dr Lyster of his firmness, and endeavoured, by an emulous ambition, to fortify her mind from the weakness of depression and regret.

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