IPA: ɪmˈʌɫʃʌn
- A stable suspension of small droplets of one liquid in another with which it is immiscible.
- (chemistry) A colloid in which both phases are liquid.
- (photography) The coating of photosensitive silver halide grains in a thin gelatine layer on a photographic film.
- (transitive) To paint with emulsion paint.
Examples of "emulsion" in Sentences
- The chef created a creamy emulsion by whisking together oil and vinegar
- The emulsion of water and oil formed a smooth, velvety texture in the salad dressing
- The artist used an emulsion technique to blend different colors seamlessly on the canvas
- The emulsion of egg yolks and butter gave the hollandaise sauce a rich and luxurious consistency
- The skincare product contained a nourishing emulsion of plant extracts and oils to hydrate and soften the skin