
IPA: ɛnsˈɝkʌɫɪŋ


  • encirclement


  • enclosing, skirting

Examples of "encircling" in Sentences

  • True, the German Press sought to represent those efforts as directed towards the "encircling" (_Einkreisung_) of Germany.
  • The late Mr. Larrabbee's name was still printed on millions of bright labels encircling cubes of tobacco, now manufactured by a Trust.
  • Such reefs as these are called "encircling" when they surround an island; and "barrier" reefs, when they stretch parallel with the coast of a continent.
  • The German newspapers were full of talk about the British policy of 'encircling' Germany in order to attack and destroy her, which they attributed mainly to
  • These reefs, however, vary in construction; some are called encircling reefs, when they appear at a distance from the shore, and a lagoon intervenes; others are called fringing reefs, which are joined to the land, and extend out from it without any lagoon.
  • In a political document yet to be made public, they also claimed the US was "encircling" China through India and suggested that Nepal should adopt a policy of equi-distance with New Delhi and Beijing taking into consideration the geopolitical situation, The Kathmandu Post reported.
  • The left, facing to the south and southwest, beginning just above Dover, on the point of a ridge extending nearly to the river between the two small brooks, continued out from the river along this ridge to its western extremity, and thence across the valley of the small curved stream described as encircling

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