IPA: ɛnkˈʌmbrʌns
- Something that encumbers; a burden that must be carried.
- Alternative spelling of incumbrance (“in law: interest attached to a title; dependent”) [(property law) An interest, right, burden, or liability attached to a title of land, such as a lien or mortgage.]
- (law) To apply an encumbrance to (property, etc.).
Examples of "encumbrance" in Sentences
- The heavy backpack was an encumbrance as I climbed the steep mountain trail
- His debt became an encumbrance to his financial freedom and peace of mind
- The outdated software program was seen as an encumbrance to the company's productivity
- She felt relieved once she finally removed the encumbrance of toxic relationships from her life
- The old furniture served more as an encumbrance than useful pieces in the small apartment