
IPA: ɛndˈɔdʒɛnʌs


  • Produced, originating or growing from within.
  • Of a natural process: caused by factors within the body.

Examples of "endogenous" in Sentences

  • How this happens is the subject of a branch of economics called endogenous growth theory.
  • Note: for more info on these chunks of viruses in DNA, google the phrase endogenous retroviruses.
  • This so-called endogenous depression was a crippling type of psychosis believed to be caused by a genetic abnormality.
  • If the seller's position is large relative to the market, this is called endogenous liquidity risk a feature of the seller.
  • And as I said, thank goodness it was time-limited, but it made me realize that there are people who are suffering with what we call endogenous depression.
  • The other class is called endogenous, and increases by layers applied to the inside; and when the hollow there is full, the growth is stopped — the tree must die.
  • Law, rather than being determined or imposed apart from or outside of the factors one is studying, is often "endogenous" -- meaning loosely that law is often both cause and effect.
  • It's called the endogenous growth theory, designed to give the appearance of prosperity in the short term to enable Brown to get into No. 10, but an economy fuelled by record levels of debt, and public spending is unsustainable and will burst before very much longer.

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