
IPA: ɛndˈaʊ


  • (transitive) To give property to (someone) as a gift; specifically, to provide (a person or institution) with support in the form of a permanent fund of money or other benefits.
  • (transitive) Followed by with, or rarely by of: to enrich or furnish with some faculty or quality.
  • (transitive) Usually in the passive: to naturally furnish (with something).
  • (transitive, archaic or obsolete) To provide with a dower (“the portion that a widow receives from her deceased husband's property”) or a dowry (“property given to a bride”).

Examples of "endow" in Sentences

  • Maybe we can endow another more worthy university with the name of Our Lady in the distant future.
  • h an empty name endow'd his fpoufe, jr Tullia, who, fome authors feign, er her father's corpfe a rumbling wain t more guilty numerous wains did drive
  • We have (with Tregelles) avoided both by rendering the word "endow," which includes "power," and whatever other gifts were necessary for their mission.
  • Interestingly, modern technology allows us to do things like "endow" an application with SaaS with very little intrusiveness whereas in the past, this may have required a new stack.
  • Third, America needs to recognize that the approaches taken thus far have failed; and like the typical tourist in a foreign country, saying the same thing progressively more loudly in English does not miraculously endow the French person with comprehension; it just pisses them off.

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