IPA: ɛnfˈibʌɫmʌnt
- The act of enfeebling; debilitation, enervation or devitalization
Examples of "enfeeblement" in Sentences
- It is, however, simply a mark of the enfeeblement of Parliament that it now has the time to concern itself with froth and trivia.
- He dared not risk a fight with this young lightning-flash, and again he knew, and more bitterly, the enfeeblement of oncoming age.
- The result will be the further long-term enfeeblement of the United States, the country with which Canada has so closely tied and aligned itself.
- "What ought to lead France to join with America is the great enfeeblement of England to be effected by the subtraction of a third of her Empire."
- Still it's surely worth pointing out that sterling's latest enfeeblement hasn't stopped U.K. insurer Prudential attempting the enormous feat of buying up AIG
- By those lights – see the reversed decisions to kill 6 Music and the Asian Network – the prospect of total loss is better at rallying public outrage than enfeeblement by a thousand cuts.
- When President Bush stands before Congress on Wednesday night to deliver his State of the Union address, it is a safe bet that he will not announce that one of his goals is the long-term enfeeblement of the Democratic Party.
- As the French Foreign Minister wrote at the time to France's Ambassador to Spain: "What ought to lead France to join with America is the great enfeeblement of England to be effected by the subtraction of a third of her Empire."
- To Emanuel, victory is the only thing, and rather than recognize the error of his ways and recalibrate, he is publicly declaring that the now widely-recognized enfeeblement of his boss's presidency is not his failure, but his vindication.
- Based on these comments in the pages of Britain's leading conservative magazine, I will no longer bother to worry about the enfeeblement of Britain, the collapse of its sense of moral order, its inability to control drunken yobs in the streets of London and other cities, or its unwillingness to stand up against immigrant groups who would like nothing better than to cut every unbelieving throat in a single night.