IPA: ɪngrˈeɪvɝ
- a person who engraves
- a tool used in this process
Examples of "engraver" in Sentences
- He was apprenticed to an engraver and studied drawing at the Royal Academy.
- The engraver is the medium by which art in the palace is conveyed into the humblest homes in the kingdom.
- a word, the engraver was a man of a more common stamp -- more timid and more conventional than the painter.
- Minna and wished to marry her, he met with opposition in his own family, who thought that the 'engraver's mamsell' was not good enough for him.
- It may be said that it is unnecessary to give explicit directions about invitations, inasmuch as the engraver is the one ultimately responsible for the accuracy of these things.
- When Koerner fell in love with the amiable Minna and wished to marry her, he met with opposition in his own family, who thought that the 'engraver's mamsell' was not good enough for him.
- "As soon as I finished a cover and I wanted to save it I'd have to call the engraver and say, 'Please don't destroy that, send it back when you come to pick up the next delivery,'" he said.
- Paris art "Claude Lorrain: The Draughtsman Studying Nature" exhibits preparatory drawings, large-scale landscape paintings and early sketches by the French painter, engraver and draughtsman.
- For a time he followed these strange indications on the royal road to drawing, and on them, perhaps, he based to some extent the illustrations which he made for book-covers, together with Charles Keene, for Mr. Edmund Evans -- who, it may not be out of place here to repeat, now so well known as the engraver and publisher of