IPA: ɛntɝtˈeɪnd
- pleasantly occupied
Examples of "entertained" in Sentences
- The game initially entertained the children.
- The conception of Christ was variously entertained.
- Keeps hands busy and brain entertained at the same time.
- That such an idea should be seriously entertained is almost incredible, but we wish that it were only funny.
- No Peace proposals could possibly be entertained from the murderer still at large and still claiming the right to murder.
- Why do so many women require some form of drama to remain entertained in a relationship, and do you find this to be childish behavior?
- Thankfully, Super Mario Galaxy 2 retains the polish and kept me highly entertained from the short bouts of playtime given at the Nintendo Media Summit.
- Our operations in the field were greatly extended by reason of this policy, which, heretofore secretly entertained, is now avowed and acted upon by the United States.
- Christian name; he mingled his tears with those of the patriarch, and earnestly inquired, if no hopes of relief could be entertained from the Greek emperors of the East.
- If you did not like this movie based off not being shocked, disgusted, or plain entertained, you might want to stop drinking heavily, go back to school, and learn to think a little.
- It cannot be denied that appearances went very much against Ah-wow -- so much so, that Maxton, and even Captain Bunting, entertained suspicions as to his innocence, though they pleaded hard for his pardon.
- The next morning he spoke at a large girls 'school where there were about 400 girls and after that we were again entertained at a very good luncheon entirely in Western style: This is simply an illustration of the good feeling of the Japanese towards ourselves.
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