IPA: ɪnθuziˈæstɪk
- With zealous fervor; excited, motivated.
- Relating to enthusiasm, or divine possession.
Examples of "enthusiastic" in Sentences
- All three of us - me, my wife, and the writers - can remain enthusiastic fans because none of us can disprove the others.
- He was shorthanded, and anyone who has ever had 14 girls herded onto one softball field knows the meaning of the term enthusiastic confusion.
- We heard testimony from most of the volunteers who actually operate the station and serve as DJs, and they were nearly all in enthusiastic support.
- "A character," "very enthusiastic" is how veterinarians described him on their new-patient sheets whenever we moved and introduced a new care provider to the Buckness of Buck.
- But most enthusiastic is Christopher Long, writing for DVD Beaver: "I'm so excited to see Muriel made available on a Region 1 DVD that I hate to point out the flaws in the transfer."
- He laughs about his earthquake phobia, turns glum when reflecting on a domineering father and gives weight to theories of his eternal boyhood in enthusiastic chatter about toys and theme parks.
- McKean and other professional word gatherers join enthusiastic amateurs in Wallraff's new book Word Fugitives, which reassures us that taking language seriously needn't always mean being serious about language.
- Manasi of A Cook At Heart writes a hilarious account of the tradition of "fasting" and makes a "fast food" that is the secret reason why so many Maharashtrians remain enthusiastic about undertaking fasts: Sabudana Khichadi.
- He spoke in enthusiastic terms of the splendid work Canadians -- had done in the battle line and said that in the two most crucial engagements of the war Canadians had saved the day and that under the most trying circumstances, and against weapons never before used in warfare.
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