IPA: ˈɛnvʌɫoʊp
- A paper or cardboard wrapper used to enclose small, flat items, especially letters, for mailing.
- Something that envelops; a wrapping.
- A bag containing the lifting gas of a balloon or airship; fabric that encloses the gas-bags of an airship.
- (geometry) A mathematical curve, surface, or higher-dimensional object that is the tangent to a given family of lines, curves, surfaces, or higher-dimensional objects.
- (electronics) A curve that bounds another curve or set of curves, as the modulation envelope of an amplitude-modulated carrier wave in electronics.
- (music) The shape of a sound, which may be controlled by a synthesizer or sampler.
- (computing) The information used for routing a message that is transmitted with the message but not part of its contents.
- (biology) An enclosing structure or cover, such as a membrane; a space between two membranes
- (engineering) The set of limitations within which a technological system can perform safely and effectively.
- (astronomy) The nebulous covering of the head or nucleus of a comet; a coma.
- An earthwork in the form of a single parapet or a small rampart, sometimes raised in the ditch and sometimes beyond it.
- (transitive, rare) To put (something) in an envelope.
- Archaic form of envelop. [(transitive) To surround or enclose.]
Examples of "envelope" in Sentences
- Make sure that the gap you used to turn the envelope is at the top left.
- The outside of the envelope is stamped “Do Not Destroy, Official Document”.
- Pushing the sexual envelope is just for the sport of seeing what one can get away with.
- The contents of the envelope is NOT changed by the fact that its ownership is now split.
- Note: The roots of the term envelope generator and its basic functionality are described in "Envelopes" on page 626.
- The sender's name on the interplant envelope varies ( "Marketing", "Repairs", "Roman Polanski") and the previous line on the envelope is always in our Plano office.
- Though Mr. Talbot has cut off all communication between the sisters, a cryptic letter from Lilian manages to slip through, and hidden in the envelope is a puzzling photograph of a tiger hunt.
- Mind you - to the naked monkey eye this envelope is absolutely indistinguishable from the envelopes issued by Tor ... but who can fathom why a cat will obsessively hoard one object, and ignore an identical one?