IPA: ˈɛnvɔɪ
- (poetry) A short stanza at the end of a poem, used either to address a person or to comment on the preceding body of the poem.
Examples of "envoi" in Sentences
- Nevertheless, he decided to append a little envoi to make the thing land more easily.
- Algernon Charles Swinburne particularly favoured, the Ballade, is the Ballade Supreme, with its 10-lined stanzas and five-line envoi.
- A sestina is a fixed verse form in which six end-words recur in a set order in six stanzas and a three-line envoi (a coda or postscript).
- And this must bring us to the writing of “Hugh Selwyn Mauberley,” which was his farewell to England and his envoi, also, to both “democracy” and “civilization.”
- Food, envoi mental and safety standards set by our democratic institutions are subject to challenge if they conflict with those approved by unelected international trade bureaucracies.
- Is this Knight-Jadczyk, if a real person, altogether sure she is not the consequence of a secret cloning of Stanslaw Lem and Kurt Vonnegut, to be unleashed on the 21st Century as posthumous envoi?
- In the early years of the last century socialists in England used to sing a hymn about their liberation from exploitation and under-representation: its title and opening line serves as the perfect envoi today.
- This poem is subtitled "An envoi to 'The Story Of The Gadsbys'" - an "envoi" is effectively a postcript, and "The Pride Of The Gadsbys" was a play (or a series of fragments of plays) written earlier by Kipling.