IPA: ɪfˈɛmɝʌɫ
- Something which lasts for a short period of time.
- Lasting for a short period of time.
- (biology) Existing for only one day, as with some flowers, insects, and diseases.
- (geology, of a body of water) Usually dry, but filling with water for brief periods during and after precipitation.
Examples of "ephemeral" in Sentences
- The beauty of a flower is often described as ephemeral, blooming for just a brief moment before wilting away
- Life's joyful moments can feel ephemeral, slipping through our fingers before we fully grasp their significance
- The sunset's vibrant colors painted the sky in a mesmerizing display of ephemeral beauty
- The magic of a snowflake is in its ephemeral nature, melting away as quickly as it falls
- The artist captured the essence of time's fleeting nature in their painting, portraying the ephemeral quality of existence