IPA: ˈɛpʌɫˈɪθɪk
- Of, pertaining to, or being an epilith.
Examples of "epilithic" in Sentences
- Plants grow in a wide variety of inhospitable substrates including stone, rock (epilithic), recently decomposed stony soils, or sandy soils.
- (A) Relative SWS1 (ultraviolet) opsin expression is higher among Lake Malawi cichlids foraging on phytoplankton, zooplankton, and epilithic algae (phylogenetic ANOVA).
- The abrasive forces of the ice at the bottoms of glaciers may destroy all epilithic (rock-attached) lichen vegetation, but lichens once established are able to survive long periods of snow cover, and even glacial periods [121].
- Fish species are lake trout, Arctic grayling, round whitefish (Prosopium cylindraceum), burbot, and slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus), which feed on benthic chironomid larvae and snails, the latter controlling epilithic algae in the lake.
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