IPA: ˈɝgʌtɪzʌm
- The plant disease caused by ergot.
- The effect of long-term ergot poisoning, traditionally due to the ingestion of the alkaloids produced by the fungus Claviceps purpurea which infects rye and other cereals, and more recently by the action of a number of ergoline-based drugs, consisting of convulsive and gangrenous symptoms.
- The use of ergot-infested grain to poison animals.
- A logical deduction.
Examples of "ergotism" in Sentences
- Ergotism is a condition caused by the ingestion of fungus-contaminated grains, leading to symptoms such as gangrene and hallucinations
- Historically, outbreaks of ergotism were often attributed to witchcraft or divine punishment
- The Salem witch trials may have been partially influenced by the hallucinations and erratic behavior caused by ergotism
- In medieval Europe, ergotism was known as "St. Anthony's Fire" due to the burning sensation in the limbs experienced by those afflicted
- Today, ergotism is rare but still occurs in areas where contaminated grains are consumed