IPA: ˈɝgʌtrˈɑpɪk
- (physics) Relating to ergotropy
- (physiology) That energizes the body's systems
Examples of "ergotropic" in Sentences
- This order of things holds good quite markedly in the ergotropic zone.
- It is functional, in so far as it behaves like an ergotropic or dynamogenic system.
- In such an order of things the ergotropic zone would also be organized as it were by organs.
- At the same time respiration slows down, as opposed to the speeding-up which is obtained from the ergotropic-dynamogenic zone.
- On stimulation within a circumscribed area of the ergotropic (dynamogenic) zone, there regularly occurs namely a manifest change in mood.
- Clearly, in the competition between ergotropic and trophotropic systems the former forfeits some of its influence on the organism as a whole in favour of an excess of the latter.
- The individual, vegetatively innervated, organ gets its differentiated innervation in the known peripheral organization of the sympathetic ergotropic system; correspondingly it can also be brought into action in isolation.
- W. R. Hess Nobel laureate used the terms ergotropic and trophotropic to distinguish between the roles of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems of the autonomic nervous system as they interact with psychological processes and physical responses to adapt to the demands of the environment.
- But under the influence of circumscribed stimuli applied to the hypothalamus, and partly also to the layers of the thalamus lying close above it, symptoms have also appeared which do not permit of classification in the sympathetic-ergotropic system of functions, and indeed rather act in opposition to this.
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