IPA: ɛskʌɫˈeɪʃʌn
- an increase or rise, especially one to counteract a perceived discrepancy
- a deliberate or premeditated increase in the violence or geographic scope of a conflict
- (customer support) The reassignment of a difficult customer problem to someone whose job is dedicated to handling such cases.
Examples of "escalation" in Sentences
- As my colleague Joe notes, Bush continues to assert that the escalation is an Iraqi plan.
- As Annacone points out, records and best-ever discussions come with a built-in escalation factor.
- One way to prevent an escalation is to increase the supply of physicians, which is now taking place at a rapid rate.
- But I'm not blind to it's clunky bits; it goes a little Hollywood in the end, that awkward line at the end about "escalation" is pure next movie set-up that sticks out like a sore thumb.
- It would seem to me the only reason Republicans would be against an escalation is if they believe it will result in the end of our dumping our blood and treasure on Afghanistan's soil coming sooner.
- Human-rights groups have been especially critical of what they call an escalation in army violence against ethnic minorities this year, and many U.S. congressional leaders are leery of Myanmar's ties with Pyongyang.
- I also find it insanely ridiculous that CNN goes out of its way to note that Democrats coined the term escalation without any acknowlegement that Condi coined the term "augmentation" and was essentially laughed out of the room.
- The senator and likely presidential candidate Barack Obama has just put out his own plan to stop what he calls the escalation of the war in Iraq, the Illinois Democrat introducing binding legislation to begin a phased redeployment of troops from Iraq.
- And finally, I would point out Democrat Edward Kennedy, who, as you know, is trying to stop what he calls the escalation of the war in Iraq, really pressed the attorney general on the War Powers Act, asking him whether the mission has changed so much in Iraq since the 2002 congressional authorization, that maybe the president has to come back to the Hill for another authorization to send more troops.