IPA: ʌspˈɛʃɫi
- (manner) In a special manner; specially.
- (focus) Particularly; to a greater extent than is normal.
- (focus) Used to place greater emphasis upon someone or something.
Examples of "especially" in Sentences
- The three-letter “job,” with its can-do implications, also makes the term especially American.
- 10, "For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, especially they of the circumcision:" where _especially_ distinguishes
- Several poems compiled with great variety of wit and learning, full of delight; wherein especially is contained a compleat discourse, and description of the four elements, constitutions, ages of man, seasons of the year.
- Well, I'm going to steer clear of the predictions for full-fledged 'virtual reality' - I think those are probably way too far off to be realistic, especially as they were suggested in the 1980s and we've not gotten *especially* closer.
- In its narrow sense, the term especially refers to certain English fictions of the period from 1764 to 1820, with The Castle of Otranto, a Gothic Story by Horace Walpole as the herald, and Melmoth the Wanderer by Charles Robert Maturin as the "terminator".
- As for Antonio and Chick, much as they might support the concept of giving citywide electeds another term especially for controller and city attorneythey both know that the timing would be worse than awful for them to attempt to support such a measure at this time.
- "Dreadful!" moaned Sister Ann. "Adnah goes about sighing all the day, and looks over-long in the mirror, and takes unseemly pains with her dressing, and does up her hair with flowers, and has feverishly pink cheeks, and likes to sit in a corner and brood, and takes long walks by herself, and especially, _especially_, seems fond of moonlight!"
- Most feminists I had come across, especially the ones close to my age (20s) are pro-porn (or at least, "pro free speech" to the point of being indifferent to porn) and are condescending to those of us who are against pornography - * especially* when someone, like me, is against porn because of her emotions and gut and has no educated, rational, research-backed reasons to give.
- It is to be noted, that the apostle saith not, "Let the presbyters that rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially because they labor in the word -- for then he should have pointed at the distinct offices of ministers;" but he saith, _especially they that labor_, which clearly carries the sense to the distinction of elders themselves, who have distinct employments.
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