IPA: ɛsprˈi
- Spirit, enthusiasm.
- A wit.
- Liveliness, or active mind and spirit.
Examples of "esprit" in Sentences
- Ratzinger has much more of what the French call esprit de finesse.
- One of the first things seared in to my psyche upon arrival at recruiter training in the Marines was the term esprit de corps.
- New officers were getting acquainted with their men; that wonderful thing that is called esprit de corps was being made all around me.
- Esprit de corps and jealousy pull the truth with frightful force, this way and that, and the picture becomes the more distorted because so-called esprit de corps is nothing more than generalized selfishness.
- The key point I consider to be the FB integration since it allowed multi directional communication - the presenters were reading messaged from people during the event, the users could see the reaction of other users - and thus creating a momentum - an "etat d'esprit" - around the event.
- When the Supreme Court held that the military's interest in esprit de corps allowed it to keep a serviceman from wearing a yarmulke without violating the Free exercise Clause (this was before the 1990 decision in Smith), Congress promptly passed a bill mandating accommodation for religious items to be worn with uniforms.
- Not merely were the men composing these drafts lacking largely in esprit de corps and unfamiliar with the traditions already established of the battalions into which they were drafted, but from the very fact that their original battalions had been left behind when the others went forward, they had been for some months in surroundings which did not make for high martial spirit.