IPA: ʌstˈeɪt
- (obsolete) Grace; favour.
- Esther, the book of Esther
- Initialism of Erhard Seminars Training, a course intended to promote satisfaction with life in the present moment, as opposed to strivings to attain it.
- (time) Initialism of Eastern Standard Time. [The timezone that encompasses the East coast of the United States, and parts of Canada during winter and late autumn; it is five hours behind Greenwich Mean Time.]
- (linguistics) Initialism of Extended Standard Theory.
- Alternative letter-case form of est (“Erhard Seminars Training”) [(obsolete) Grace; favour.]
- (plural only) Initialism of English subtitles.
- (genetics) Initialism of expressed sequence tag.
- Abbreviation of established. [Having been in existence for a long time and therefore recognized and generally accepted.]
Examples of "est" in Sentences
- ` ` _Conclamatum est, poculatum est_, '' said Prior
- "_Non est vegetabile quod in fluxionibus alvi efficacius est_."
- _Victor locutus est: causa finita est_ (he liked tags of not recondite Latin himself).
- Et cum hoec dixisset, conversa est retrorsum, et vidit Jesum stantem: et non sciebat quia Jesus est_.
- _Et moi aussi, je reste dans mon trou, et mon trou est assez beau pour que j'y reste, car mon trou est_ -- Richard Wagner.
- "_Ut ad bella suscipienda Gallorum alacer et promptus est animus, sic mollis ac minime resistens ad calamitates perferendas mens eorum est_."
- I can answer all the objections of Satan and my rebellious reason with that odd resolution I learned of Tertullian, _Certum est quia impossible est_.
- I can answer all the objections of Satan and my rebellious reason with that odd resolution I learned of Tertullian, _Certum est quia impossibile est_.
- _Justa autem bella solent definiri quæ ulciscuntur injurias, si gens vel civitas plectenda est, quod vel vindicare neglexerit quod a suis improbe factum est, vel reddere quod per injuriam ablatum est_.
- Sometimes a Tertullian voices this abdication of the reasoning faculty defiantly -- _certum est quia impossibile est_; but more often perhaps the same position {26} is expressed in the spirit of Tennyson's well-known lines, which, indeed, bear directly upon our immediate theme: --