IPA: ɪtˈɝnʌti
- (uncountable) Existence without end, infinite time.
- (uncountable, philosophy, theology) Existence outside of time.
- (countable) A period of time which extends infinitely far into the future.
- (metaphysical) The remainder of time that elapses after death.
- (informal, hyperbolic) A comparatively long time.
Examples of "eternity" in Sentences
- The stars seemed to stretch into eternity, twinkling endlessly in the night sky
- The love they shared seemed to know no bounds, as if it would last for eternity
- She gazed out at the vast ocean, feeling small in the face of its eternity
- Time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in each other's eyes, caught in a moment that felt like eternity
- The artist captured the feeling of eternity in his masterpiece, a never-ending spiral of color and light