IPA: ɛtʌmˈɑɫʌdʒi
- (uncountable, linguistics) The scientific study of the origin and evolution of a word's semantic meaning across time, including its constituent morphemes and phonemes.
- (countable) The entire catalogue of meanings that a word, morpheme, or sign has carried throughout its history; lit. the logic of the etymon.
- (countable) An account of the origin and historical development of a word as presented in a dictionary or the like.
- (countable) The direct origin of a name, as in who someone was named after.
Examples of "etymology" in Sentences
- The etymology of the word "etymology" can be traced back to the Greek roots "etymon" meaning true sense and "logia" meaning study
- Studying the etymology of English words can reveal fascinating connections to other languages
- Linguists often rely on etymology to uncover the historical development of words and languages
- Understanding the etymology of a word can provide insight into its meaning and usage
- The etymology of some words can be complex and involve multiple influences from different languages