
IPA: jutˈɛktɪk


  • A material that has the composition of a eutectic mixture or eutectic alloy.
  • The temperature of the eutectic point.


  • Describing the chemical composition or temperature of a mixture of substances that gives the lowest temperature at which the mixture becomes fully molten. A further requirement is that that temperature is lower than the melting point of any of the pure component substances.
  • (chemistry) Describing the thermodynamic equilibrium conditions where a liquid coexists with two solid phases.

Examples of "eutectic" in Sentences

  • Liquid metal (Pb or Pb-Bi eutectic) cooling is at low pressure by natural convection (at least for decay heat removal).
  • There were some designs from an old USSR program that used a eutectic mix of lead and bismuth for a similar purpose, heated to liquefy the metal.
  • Iron melts at 1565C, unless in the presence of other compounds under controlled conditions, at which a “eutectic” of iron and sulfur can melt at 1000C.
  • This is called the eutectic point and any concentration of salt above or below this point will result in a solution with a freezing point higher than - 6°F.
  • This “eutectic” was discovered by FEMA, and by fire researchers at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and confirmed by this team of physicists and researchers.
  • In the freeze-drying process, vitrification (also termed eutectic solidification) occurs in the unfrozen fraction between the ice crystals which are sublimated in an endothermic process.
  • He has confirmed a “eutectic” of sulfur in once-molten steel, which a FEMA analysis also found but did not explain, and confirmed the presence of once-molten iron spheres the USGS discovered in dust samples.
  • Phase 2 of Japan's study focused on four basic reactor designs: sodium-cooled with MOX and metal fuels, helium-cooled with nitride and MOX fuels, lead-bismuth eutectic-cooled with nitride and metal fuels, and supercritical water-cooled with MOX fuel.
  • This means you would be able to tell alot about say the actual structure of the mantle and the internal workings of the earth - I sort of felt a vagueness that eutectic and peritectic stuff should make an appearance but as I can't really remember what that was all about the reality is probably very far away from my comprehension :/

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