IPA: ɛvʌnˈɛsʌnt
- Disappearing, vanishing.
- (electromagnetism) Of an oscillating electric or magnetic field: not propagating as an electromagnetic wave but having its energy spatially concentrated in the vicinity of its source.
- (mathematics) Of a number or value: diminishing to the point of reaching zero as a limit; infinitesimal.
- Barely there; almost imperceptible.
- Ephemeral, fleeting, momentary.
- (botany) Of plant parts: shed after a period.
Examples of "evanescent" in Sentences
- Ridicule and derision are a kind of evanescent ostracism, a temporary exclusion from the comradeship.
- "evanescent", in the sense of something that man cannot grasp, and that is cer - tainly an aspect of what the author is saying throughout the book.
- As a delicate epilogue, Mr. Brown picks up his dance's evanescent momentum "Jesus Children of America" in a solo personal appearance both brief and indelible.
- These might well be termed evanescent varieties, and since they never become fixed or find their way into cultivation they are of interest only to the plant breeder.
- Conventional lenses construct an image of an object only using ordinary waves, discarding information regarding the fine, tiny details of the object that are contained in "evanescent" waves.
- Mr. Francis quoted Dr. Gordon Margolin, Chief of Internal Medicine at Jewish Hospital during Dr. Patrick's residency, as finding the plaintiff's presence "evanescent," which is to say infinitesimal.
- In part, it arises because an exotic form of light wave generated at the interface, called an "evanescent" wave, is lost in passing through the glass of a lens, with a consequent loss of information and a slight spoiling of image sharpness.
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