
IPA: ɪgzˈæktɫi


  • (manner) Without approximation; precisely.
  • (focus) Precisely, used to provide emphasis.

Examples of "exactly" in Sentences

  • It was called, if I remember the title exactly, The Christian
  • "You'll do exactly what I tell you, _exactly_, without asking how or why?"
  • Because it smells exactly and I mean *exactly* like Wint-o-green Life Savers.
  • a dollar in my pocket and she walks exactly to please me -- walks _exactly_ to please me.
  • And another book that James gave me - I can't remember the title exactly but it's something like the Story of Long Tack Sam.
  • Hannah pulled her head up, her expression exactly the same as that of the little girl she had once been, caught with her hand in the biscuit tin.
  • Wikus isn’t exactly a Nazi, in the same way that modern European meddlers in the 3rd world aren’t *exactly* Nazis…they only kill unborn undesireables.
  • And as we know, doing exactly what Bush wants, no questions asked is *exactly* the same as failing to oppose him in all things no matter what even if it means abandoning a liberal cause he happens to take up, the bastard.
  • But a given climate model, if fed with exactly the same inputs, should be re-runnable to produce * exactly* the same outputs, down to the lowest bit (and if it isn't reproducible down to the lowest bit it will rapidly diverge: there is a good illustration of this in

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