IPA: ɪgzædʒɝˈeɪʃʌn
- The act of heaping or piling up.
- The act of exaggerating; the act of doing or representing in an excessive manner; a going beyond the bounds of truth, reason, or justice; a hyperbolical representation; hyperbole; overstatement.
- A representation of things beyond natural life, in expression, beauty, power, vigor.
Examples of "exaggeration" in Sentences
- She claimed her commute was a nightmare, but I suspected it was just an exaggeration
- The fisherman's tale of catching a 50-pound trout seemed like a clear exaggeration
- His boasting about his achievements were filled with exaggerations designed to impress others
- The comedian's stories were always entertaining, even if they were filled with exaggerations
- Don't take everything she says so seriously, she has a tendency for exaggeration