IPA: fʌsˈiʃʌs
- Treating serious issues with (often deliberately) inappropriate humour; flippant.
- Pleasantly humorous; jocular.
- (Of an idea or statement) humorously silly or counterproductive for the purpose of sarcastically advocating the opposite.
Examples of "facetious" in Sentences
- "White," called a facetious member, but White did not notice.
- ` ` White, '' called a facetious member, but White did not notice.
- The first time I ever heard the word facetious was on a Simpsons episode.
- I don't mean to be facetious, because I don't know what the word facetious means.
- I like the word facetious too, Zoom, because I associate it with a very funny story.
- But this is what I call the facetious riddle invented by you: the demigods or spirits are gods, and you say first that I do not believe in gods, and then again that I do believe in gods; that is, if I believe in demigods.
- He had meant to be a little facetious about the Greek words; but it was the slowly prepared and rather exasperating facetiousness of an ageing man, and he had dropped it listlessly, as though he himself had perceived this.
- The words “excellent in the quality he professes,” refer most likely to the Poet's acting; while the term facetious is used, apparently, not in the sense it now bears, but in that of felicitous or happy, as was common at that time.
- This provided too good an opportunity for the wits of the town to miss, and they promptly renamed the house as the Goose and Gridiron, which recalls the facetious landlord who, on gaining possession of premises once used as a music-house, chose for his sign a goose stroking the bars of a gridiron and inscribed beneath, "The Swan and Harp."
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