IPA: fˈækʃʌs
- Of, pertaining to, or caused by factions.
- Given to or characterized by discordance or insubordination.
Examples of "factious" in Sentences
- Van Buren's opposition to the Adams administration has been called factious and unpatriotic.
- At the dead of night we were aroused from our sleep by a cry that the 'factious' were not far off.
- (except Kentucky and Missouri,) have never been even charged with this kind of factious commotion.
- In proofreading I struck out "factious;" as needless, and as a generalization on insufficient premises.
- They are loaded with invectives — they are called factious, seditious; as Elijah, the troubler of Israel; and
- Burke, in an evil moment for himself and for Ireland, had lent himself in 1785 to what Mr. Morley called the "factious" and
- There were one or two measures introduced into the Assembly during the session just closed worth mentioning, _en passant_; as showing the progress really made by a "factious" Assembly.
- For disgrace; he tells them, they would fare but ill as to their reputations, but yet no worse than himself: they might be called factious, seditious; but when the master is called devil, the servant may well endure the name of rascal.
- A week later the papers published letters of Dumouriez which showed that ever since the trial of the King the Girondin general had been factious, that is, had been as much inclined to turn his arms against Paris as against the Austrians.
- Terror now reigns in Rome; the prisons are choked with men who have been arrested and detained without trial; fifty priests are confined in the castle of St. Angelo, whose only crime consists in their having lent their services in our hospitals; the citizens, the best known for their moderation, are exiled; the army is almost entirely dissolved, the city disarmed, and the "factious" sent away even to the last man; and yet France dares not consult in legal manner the will of the populations, but re-establishes the papal authority by military decree.
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