IPA: fˈækjuɫʌ
- (astronomy) A bright spot or patch between sunspots.
Examples of "facula" in Sentences
- Neque enim quæ postea accensa est facula, alterum lumen habebit quam illud quod ante eam fuit. "
- • Regnabit Dominus in facula &c 4] Ante faecula re* gnavit Chriftus finecarne; regnavitefiam in carn* in faecula.
- He considers it indeed "highly probable that the preparatory sign of a new spot is always a small, bright patch of facula."
- Toward the edges of the Sun, again, are very brilliant and highly luminous regions, which generally surround the spots, and have been termed _faculæ_ (_facula_, a little torch).
- : "Si autem velut a lumine lumina accensa sunt ... velut verbi gratia a facula faculæ, generatione quidem et magnitudine fortasse distabunt ab invicem; eiusdem autem substantive cum sint cum principe emissionis ipsorum, aut omnes impassibiles perseverant aut et pater ipsorum participabit passiones.