
IPA: fæɫsʌfɔrm


  • Sickle-shaped.

Examples of "falciform" in Sentences

  • These lobes are separated by a smooth membrane called the falciform ligament.
  • A double falciform ejection of water vapour from under the kettlelid at both sides simultaneously.
  • The letter indicates the situation of the common femoral artery; h, the falciform edge of the saphenous opening.
  • The femoral vein, O, Plate 30, is separated from the falciform margin, S s, of the saphenous opening by one of these septa.
  • On cutting through the falciform process, F, Fig. 1, Plate 44, we find Gimbernat's ligament, R, a structure well known in connexion with femoral hernia.
  • It is covered anteriorly by, P, Fig. 1, Plate 44, the upper cornu of the falciform process; and behind, it is in connexion with, k, the conjoined tendon.
  • The inguinal hernia, 13, descends the scrotum, whilst the femoral hernia, 9*, turns over the falciform process, 6, and rests upon the fascia lata and femoral arch.
  • In either case, the hernia, increasing in size, turns up over the margin of F, the falciform process, [Footnote 2] and ultimately rests upon the iliac fascia lata, below the pubic third of Poupart's ligament.
  • The part which occupies the canal is also very much compressed; and again, where the hernia turns over the falciform process, this structure likewise must cause considerable compression on the bowel in the sac.
  • "My own observations of the subject have led me to refer the cause of stricture to the thin posterior border (Gimbernat's ligament) of the crural arch, at the part where it is connected to the falciform process."

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