IPA: fʌɫˈeɪʃʌs
- Characterized by fallacy; false or mistaken.
- Deceptive or misleading.
Examples of "fallacious" in Sentences
- Nope, one-liners that are fallacious is the best you can muster I suppose.
- Both of these scenarios would rely upon the same evidence and upon equally fallacious, which is to say, ideological, perspectives.
- I can't help laughing still at the trouble I used to have in trying to find out the meaning of that word fallacious, when I was at Miss
- About “one-way hash” arguments, there are certain fallacious arguments which look hard to debunk on first sight, but aren’t actually so.
- Does he not on the contrary feel a freedom of will within him, which, though you may call it fallacious, still actuates him as he decides?
- That type of argument is called a fallacious appeal to tradition, because the question is not "what has been done?" but rather "what is fair?"
- And conveniently forgotten in fallacious references to a cycle of violence is that — following from their oft-stated call for the destruction of Israel — Hamas, Hezbollah (which is more or less an Iranian expeditionary force), Iran itself, and the Arab confrontation states are the parties that want to change the status quo, by violence and by their own flamboyant admission.
- A few months before this time, he would have scorned the idea of concealing any part of his conduct, any one of his actions, from his best friend, Mr Percival; but his pride now reconciled him to the meanness of concealment; and here, the acuteness of him feelings was to his own mind an excuse for dissimulation: so fallacious is moral instinct, unenlightened or uncontrolled by reason and religion.
- What could be the most outstanding in Dr. Sayegh's introduction is the Biblical concept of the "Exodus" that spread throughout more than thirty centuries coupling this expression of Jewish history from one side and Biblical myths on the other, considering this so-called fallacious "Exodus" in its foundations, sources, meaning stands ashamed in front another factual, actual and felt exodus in millions of proofs, which is the exodus of three quarters of a million Palestinian Arabs forcefully and savagely uprooted by the force of arms and Zionist terror.
- An argument is called fallacious in four senses: (1) when it appears to be brought to a conclusion, and is not really so-what is called ‘contentious’ reasoning: (2) when it comes to a conclusion but not to the conclusion proposed-which happens principally in the case of reductiones ad impossibile: (3) when it comes to the proposed conclusion but not according to the mode of inquiry appropriate to the case, as happens when a non-medical argument is taken to be a medical one, or one which is not geometrical for a geometrical argument, or one which is not dialectical for dialectical, whether the result reached be true or false: (4) if the conclusion be reached through false premisses: of this type the conclusion is sometimes false, sometimes true: for while a false conclusion is always the result of false premisses, a true conclusion may be drawn even from premisses that are not true, as was said above as well.
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