
IPA: fˈæɫʌbʌɫ


  • Capable of making mistakes or being wrong.

Examples of "fallible" in Sentences

  • How then are we to understand "fallible" doctrines of the third degree?
  • I find, in other words, the best human beings fallible, and _very fallible_.
  • Yes, people are fallible — some even purposely so — and yes, we can not blame God for their failure.
  • But regulators and supervisors are fallible, which is why we need to attack the problems from all sides.
  • Possibly you could ask questions concerning a span of time, but that would be less reliable because memory tends to be fallible.
  • But, you don't necessarily agree with their infallible correction: the word should be "fallible" here. interpretation of that verse.
  • Here it is possible that 'All Popes' may agree with precisely that part of the term 'man,' of which it is not known whether it agrees with 'fallible' or not.
  • And let's not forget that News Corp. has shown itself to be eminently fallible in the online realm: This is the company that spent $580 million to buy the social-networking sinkhole known as MySpace.
  • And the bottom line is, I'm not the first one who said that the emperor has no clothes and that "The New York Times" is fallible, which is perfectly reasonable -- fallible just like every other corporation or government or whatever it is.
  • The ancient Hindu tales that Pattanaik, 38, tells his corporate audiences are full of fallible kings, stoically suffering queens, demons enticing the gods into lawless jungles, gods with rivers sprouting from their dreadlocks, and goddesses riding elephants.

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