IPA: fˈɔɫaʊt
- The event of small airborne particles falling to the ground in significant quantities as a result of major industrial activity, volcano eruption, sandstorm, nuclear explosion, etc.
- The particles themselves.
- A negative side effect; an undesirable or unexpected consequence.
- (rare) A declined offer in a sales transaction when acceptance was presumed.
- (rare) The person who declines such an offer.
- (radio, television, broadcasting) An impromptu guest used to fill in for another guest spot who is a no-show or who has cancelled last minute.
fall out
IPA: fˈɔɫˈaʊt
- Synonym of falling out (“rift following a disagreement or quarrel”)
- (literally) To come out of something by falling.
- (intransitive, idiomatic) To cease to be on friendly terms.
- (military, intransitive, literally) To leave one's place in the current formation of ranks in order to take one's place in a new formation.
- (military, intransitive, figuratively) To leave one's current location to report for duty at a new location.
- (dialect, intransitive) To pass out.
- (dated) To turn out, happen.
IPA: fˈɔɫˈaʊt
- Alternative spelling of fallout [The event of small airborne particles falling to the ground in significant quantities as a result of major industrial activity, volcano eruption, sandstorm, nuclear explosion, etc.]
Examples of "fallout" in Sentences
Examples of "fall-out" in Sentences
- Simply put, many of the protestors are angered by the feeling that government hasn't done enough to stem the tide of economic fall-out caused by the last recession.
- For context, if any other global news organization had been confronted with just one of those allegations this year, the fall-out would have been dramatic and widespread.
- "The immediate fall-out from a Greek default should be manageable and much less damaging than that which followed the collapse of Lehmans," Capital Economics said in a report.
- And while we wish more time had been spent on the fun E.T. stuff, we wish even more that Pinsky hadn't tried so hard to trigger a sentimental response from Hagar over his fall-out with Eddie Van Halen.
- Lee McDarby of Investec Corporate Treasury predicts that currency will be in the spotlight this week, with the fall-out from the Italian austerity package leading to a "chorus of dejection" among investors.
- Even after Lehman and AIG collapsed a year later -- and Europe's economy crashed into slump -- it remained an article of faith in Berlin, Paris, and Rome that this was just fall-out from the Anglo-Saxon casino.
- The increasing abundance of cheap natural gas, coupled with rising demand for the fuel from China and the fall-out from the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan, may have set the stage for a "golden age of gas," the International Energy Agency said Monday.
- If the general American public is left with the view that this debt ceiling crisis -- and any adverse economic fall-out affecting their living standards and job security -- was and is a product of Washington politics-as-usual, then the Right will already have won, no matter the detail of any compromise that is struck.
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