IPA: fˈɔɫsʌfaɪʌbʌɫ
- Logically capable of being proven false.
- Capable of being falsified or forged.
- (epistemology) The demarcation criterion between scientific and non-scientific statements proposed by Karl Popper. In order to be ranked as scientific, statements or systems of statements must be contradicted by an intersubjective singular existential statement, also called a basic statement, and not be contradicted by another, that is, they must also be logically possible.
Examples of "falsifiable" in Sentences
- Now, the most "falsifiable" theories are the ones which are actually false or totally absurd.
- Its claims are not falsifiable, which is why economists can disagree so violently among themselves.
- That ID may or may not be falsifiable is not as much of a concern to me as finding helpful conceptual tools.
- All scientific assertions, proven or unproven, must be falsifiable, that is, indicate a possible set of observable facts that disprove them.
- Its claims are not falsifiable, which is why economists can disagree so violently among themselves: a rarer spectacle in science, where disputes are usually resolved one way or another by hard data.
- Although a good number of Quranic revelations can be identified as falsifiable through scientific means, the revelation about the non-physical nature of biological information appears quite suitable for the purpose.
- These ideas are neither testable nor falsifiable, which is why their proponents avoid peer review in respected scientific journals and take their pitch directly to the public through popular books and a well-financed PR machine.
- It would seem that, now that Obamacare's passed, there's a certain diffidence among its supporters about actually making any kind of falsifiable predictions of its alleged benefits: "Forgive me, but to my admittedly naive ears, this sounds like what you are saying is that you think that if we cover the uninsured, we will have lower mortality rates, fewer medical bankruptcies, and a lower deficit."
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