
IPA: fʌmˈɪɫjɝaɪz


  • Non-Oxford British English standard spelling of familiarize. [(transitive, intransitive) To make or become familiar with something or someone.]

Examples of "familiarise" in Sentences

  • Discuss the questions with your child, and familiarise him with the style of questioning.
  • Bearing that in mind, shall we just take a moment to familiarise ourselves with a little Sunday morning programme called 'The Pod'?
  • The e-reader display will give visitors the chance to familiarise themselves with the devices and to explore the benefits of the e-book revolution.
  • Britons would do well to familiarise themselves with this tale of the 40-year squeeze, because there are chilling signs of something similar getting under way here.
  • It's one of a chain of German institutions that has a two-sided mission: to familiarise high-achieving young Germans with the rest of Europe, and to assist the prospects of people much further down the educational hierarchy.
  • You could, for example, take the Urban Birds or Marine Birds tours; familiarise yourself with the amphibians living in the ponds up on Montjuïc, or inspect the biodiversity of the Parc del Castell de l'Oreneta through a magnifying glass.
  • But if they are going to engage in primary research, and make dramatic causal claims to the nation – as they have done in this story – I don't think it's too much to ask that they familiarise themselves with proper work that's already been done, and consider alternative explanations for the numbers they've found.

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