
IPA: fʌmˈɪɫjɝaɪzɪŋ


  • serving to make familiar

Examples of "familiarising" in Sentences

  • He was familiarising himself with a sensitive area of Lahore on the day he shot dead two Pakistanis.
  • I like the idea of kids familiarising themselves with situations, especially potentially confusing or upsetting ones, through play.
  • MBC eventually replaced their staff newsletter with a blog, forcing people to use the blog and familiarising them with the blogging format
  • As I spend more and more time familiarising myself with the writing world, by reading the SFWA community for example, I'm puzzled to find out that writing advice is often so useless, because it is very personal.
  • Children are to be found in it as well, waiting till their fathers and mothers are ready to go home, sipping from the glasses of their elders, listening to the coarse language and degrading conversation, catching the contagion of it, familiarising themselves with licentiousness and debauchery.
  • Could business-to-business users who start by familiarising or orienting themselves before beginning more in-depth research be analogous to the 'meaning making modes' for museum visitors - browsers and followers, searchers or researchers - identified by consultants Morris, Hargreaves, McIntyre?

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