IPA: fʌmɪɫjˈɛrʌti
- The state of being extremely friendly; intimacy.
- Undue intimacy; inappropriate informality, impertinence.
- An instance of familiar behaviour.
- Close or habitual acquaintance with someone or something; understanding or recognition acquired from experience.
Examples of "familiarity" in Sentences
- Where familiarity is based on experience, we might not care much.
- She knows how to coach and her name familiarity could help her with recruiting.
- Be wary if the therapist indicates that such familiarity is irrelevant to treatment.
- Q: Rational if you want to minimize risk; following familiarity is a way to minimize risk.
- One of the powerful, deep-seated cognitive biases that doomed Carruthers is called the "familiarity heuristic."
- And – and this I do know from research – familiarity is one of THE key factors in making a purchase at a store (e.g. “Hey, I recognize that book cover!”).
- While the movie told the vast majority of the story through the eyes of Arthur Dent, schlubby English nobody, as a way of giving the viewing audience a point-of-view they could relate to and gain familiarity with during the fantastical events of the story.